Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Waiting Drove me Mad, or did it?

So this grad school application process is sort of overwhelming, and due to something I had to take care of last fall, I sort of waited to long to get started. I also missed some of the schools' deadlines. So now, I am not so much having doubts about applying in general just the timing of it. It seems to me the most prudent action at the moment is to apply to start fall of 2012, instead of this fall.

Waiting will give me time to retake the GRE and maybe actually have time to study this time. My scores were o. The low end of ok, I don't test well, but I am sure I can do better, I was really sick the whole week before I took the test and wasn't able to study like I should have. Waiting will also give the professors writing my recommendation letters time to complete them and not be rushed. It will also give me time to feel better prepared.

The only big drawbacks I see to waiting are that I'll have to do this job for longer and I'll be another year older when all is said and done.

It seems to me that waiting might be more advantageous to me. I appreciate any feed back anyone wants to offer me.


  1. Waiting doesn't mean you have to put your life on hold, it just means you have another year of living before it gets here.

    It is also possible that you are settling for a spot in Grad school when in fact you want to be somewhere else.

    Don't think of this year as waiting. Think of it as growing.

  2. that is quite a bummer, but there are a whole bunch of positives, like you mentioned working on your GRE scores and such...

  3. I love the year of growing rather than the year of waiting. :) I completely agree!

  4. Its hard to wait. When i was getting ready to go to law school i could have rushed and got it all done to try to enter in the fall of 2007. Instead i took my time and applied and got comfortable in the whole process and filed for Fall 2008. It was the best thing. My mind was a little bit better prepared for the change in my life. I know the people i am in class with are there for a reason and being in school during this economic downturn has been a blessing. Its hard to wait but God has a purpose for the delay.

    I am not going to say its been easy. I have struggled with feeling like there is a purpose. Its hard seeing your friends moving on in their lives and yet if you look back 9 years ago when i moved out on my own, I am still in the same position. A student who is about to start a new phase in her life. Some what feels like i haven't moved that far ahead. Yet i know i have been molded and grown during this time.

    Patience its a virtue i don't really have :-)

  5. Whenever I get impatient I try and fill my time with other things to keep me busy...probably why I became marathon obsessed. Now time always seems to be flying by so fast that I don't know what month it is anymore!
