Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Month of Thanks: Day 6

Today I am especially thankful for laughter, especially when I was rather upset about the impending demolition of one of my favorite hometown landmarks. Yes it is ugly, but I love the Astrodome, that's where I fell in love with the Astros, who are constant disappointments, but I love them all the same, as well as other events.

Anyway, I digress, I am thankful for laughter, the best bout came when I read my friend Tom's reaction to a lost pair of pants in the library, "A sign on a table at the entrance if the Boston College Theology and Ministry Library where I spend all of my days. I just could not resist posting this . . . Surely, St. Paul's command that we "put on Christ" (Galatians 3:27) should not involve taking off one's pants . . ."

Laughing is one of my favorite things to do, and I am glad there are some many people around me that bring it out. :)

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