Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 17 - Trading Places

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

I really wouldn't want to switch lives with anyone. I like me, for the most parts, even with all the ups and downs my life has had in the past few years.  

The reason I wouldn't want to trade places with someone else is that uncertainty of what their life is really like.  I mean how often have I heard people tell me that I have all my stuff together, and blah blah blah, you really know what you're doing.  While I am actually sitting there, confused as shit not sure what my next move should be or what's really going on.  I am rather good at putting on a mask, and only a few people know me well enough to see through it, or rather only a few people seem to pay enough attention to know the difference.

This question reminds me of a story I once heard: A man was struggling with his cross and looking at others who did not seem to have the same struggles he asked God to allow him to have another cross to bear.  So God said OK and lead him to a room full of crosses and told him that he could pick any cross he wanted.  So the man walked into the door, leaned his cross against the wall near the door way and surveyed the crosses in the room.  Some were 20 ft tall, or made of very thick beams, etc.  It was then the man went and picked his cross back up, and carried it out for it was the smallest in the room.

Point is just because someone looks like they have their shit together, it doesn't mean they do, at least I know what my mess it, and I am not jumping into the realm of the unknown.

It's like a Monet, from a distance they look great, but up close, it's a hot mess.

I think that pretty much sums up everyone on this planet.  We may look OK on the outside, but really, we all have a mess in us.

(I edited this because it wasn't really done anyway, and it posted a day early.)

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