Monday, August 27, 2007

School . . .

Teaching the same students for 3 years is a blessing (and a curse). It's a blessing because the kids know you and you know them. That is also the curse. All the crap these kids do that annoys you, well its the same year after year. I am already sick of some of my students, and it's just the 7th day of school. I keep trying to be positive, but then again, today I am sick, and I just didn't feel like dealing with them. I think I am ready for something else. Maybe even a different subject. I think I would enjoy elementary. Like 3rd or 4th grade. It might be fun, but I think I need to get out of Middle School, along with my first 6th graders (I can't believe they are in 8th grade, where does the time go?). Anyway, I am just frustrated, it seems the more you pray for patience, the more you have to deal with.

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